Greentree Sports Cards

1002 Greentree Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15220, USA

Ph: 412-937-0540Email:

Armory day: Tuesday

Upcoming Tournaments

- 43 - days away

The Hunted Pre-release

Sun 26th Jan, 6 PM Sealed Deck

1002 Greentree Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15220, USA

36 player cap. Pre-Registration will be required to sign up

$40 entry 

8 packs for sealed deck construction

4 packs for coming

FREE on demand draft after

FREE pizza


- 56 - days away

Road to Nationals 2025- Classic Constructed

Sun 9th Feb, 10 AM Classic Constructed

1002 Greentree Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15220, USA

40 player cap

Must pre-register at


Classic Constructed

3 packs at door 

up to 6 rounds swiss cut to top 8


1st: Road to Nationals Invitation, Random Gold Foil Drop, Finalist Mat, Random Rainbow Foil Hero, 2 booster boxes
2nd: Road to Nationals Invitation, Finalist Mat, Random Rainbow Foil Hero, 1 booster box
3-4th: Road to Nationals Invitation, Random Rainbow Foil Hero, 18 Booster Packs
5-8th: Random Rainbow Foil Hero, 10 Booster Packs
9-40th: Pack per win

Plus raffles and giveaways!