Lurker of the Deep
If you want something caught, Riptide is the one to catch it.
From his workshop at the Seetheside docks, Riptide devises the most cunning traps in the Pits. Beast or being, big or small, Riptide has something to ensnare them all.
A hunter of big game and lost treasures since childhood, Riptide now plies the Pits’ diluvian depths, stalking the maze of swamped tunnels and sunken caves for exotic creatures and salvageable riches.
So often has he embraced the horrors of the drowned darkness that he has become one himself. But don’t be fooled. Underneath the horror is an intelligence not to be trifled with. His appearance may be as foul as the fishes he hunts, but Riptide’s ingenious cruelty often outwits the most merciless gangers in the Pits.
Now a Ranger-for-hire contracted to “the Boss”, Riptide has become trapper, smuggler and scout. Every contraption more dangerous than the last, every deal more devious, every setup more sadistic.
Predators of the Pits beware. It’s the thrill of the hunt that keeps the Lurker anchored. The longer he has to wait, the worse your agonizing end shall be.
Hero Highlights

Catch of the Day
Waiting until the slightest movement catches his eye, Riptide launches a barbed harpoon into the murky water, hauling in his prize. Use your array of deadly arrows to snag your prey and drag them to their doom.

Treacherous Traps
Clamp down on your opponents with Riptide's ingenious contraptions. With a specially designed trap for every scenario, all you need to do is set the bait and sit tight until a poor unsuspecting soul wanders straight into your clutches. Patience is key - you don't want to pull the trigger too early or too late and end up empty handed.
Watch Your Step

Riptide, Lurker of the Deep
The Lurker plants his little surprises for fresh meat to stumble upon. Spring-loaded clamps snap shut on bone, bridges explode in a shower of splinters, and anguished screams ring throughout the caverns, signaling a fresh catch.
When Riptide brings in his latest haul, you don't question where it came from... or how it was acquired.
Barbed Castaway
Steady hands are needed to ensure your arrow latches onto the target before it slips away.
Driftwood Quiver
Sometimes you just need a rudimentary bit of extra storage to pack up an unused trap so you can set it again later.
Buzzsaw Trap
It doesn't matter how big they are - buzzsaws can slice anything into bite-sized pieces.
Collapsing Trap
All it takes is one wrong footfall to send your prey (and all the loot they're carrying) tumbling into the abyss.
Spike Pit Trap
Just when they think they've dodged the first trap, the floor gives way to another. They're not the first to fall for this trick, nor will they be the last.
Tripwire Trap
You can't go wrong with an old classic. Use Riptide's hero ability to put Tripwire Trap into your arsenal after playing another trap from hand.
Trench of Sunken Treasure
Dive into the deep and excavate shiny things to add to your growing collection.
Intoxicating Shot
Whatever it's been laced with - it feels great! Like you could single-handedly take on an entire army. But this rush of overconfidence is all part of the plan to make you charge blindly into another waiting trap.