Sunday - Battle Hardened
More than 80 players, Living Legend, $2,000 up for grabs...

The recent injection of Earth and Lightning has put Starvo and Briar back on the map. There's also a single Oldhim running amok... Hopefully he's not playing Count Your Blessings!

An incredible spread of EIGHT different heroes make up the top cut, with Peter Buddensiek taking home the trophy with none other than Kano, Dracai of Aether, armed with all his tomes. A little light reading never hurt anyone!

Sunday - The Calling
More than 650 players, Classic Constructed, $30,000 on the line...

Aurora leads the charge, followed closely by Enigma and Viserai. Nuu keeps a strong position, but interestingly, Azalea has a larger showing than Dash I/O.

Ira, Scarlet Revenger makes Top 8 the SAME day she is released! Something tells me we have only just seen the beginning of this hero's legendary journey. But the final win was claimed by the other Ninja in the top cut - Nikola Kramarić on Zen, Tamer of Purpose.

Sunday - The Finals
Aurora, Shooting Star vs Enigma, Ledger of Ancestry. Mercy Bickell vs Grzegorz Kowalski. The United States vs Poland. Three days, 18 Rounds, one final match. It all comes down to this.

Mercy starts by immediately passing priority, a smart play against Enigma. Grzegorz has the Sigil of Solace, but Mercy has the Burn Up // Shock. Grzegorz leads with his second Sigil of Solace into Manifestation of Miragai, but he’s not planning on attacking - he’s planning on fatiguing. Mercy uses her Snapdragon Scalers to throw a double Snatch on the board, and Grzegorz counts his first blessing. Buckle in folks, we’re in it for the long haul.

Grzegorz’s second Count Your Blessings is tainted by Mercy’s Poison the Well, but acting quickly Grzegorz responds with another Count Your Blessings. The blue takes the hit, and the red repairs the damage. Can Mercy eat through 50 life? Flicker Wisp and Arc Lightning come down to answer that question. This powerful combo is followed up by Exude Confidence,which forces Grzegorz to play out one of the four red instants in his hand before he’s locked out. Aether Ironweave is cracked - 2 - Gold is cracked - 2 - Burn Up // Shock hits the board - 2 // 2 - Grasp of the Arknight makes a Runechant - 2 - Star Fall swings in - 1 - 2. Grzegorz shotguns a Traverse the Universe block with no Chi in deck. Preventing the Burn Up effect is more important. Ravenous Rabble in, dropping Grzegorz down to 25.

Over the next few turns, Mercy throws attack after attack, darting in and out of Lightning Valley for free card draws. Grzegorz calmly weathers the storm, as Count Your Blessings #4, #5, and #6 keep him afloat. The longer the game draws on, the slimmer Mercy’s chances of going for the killshot become. With Grzegorz comfortable at 28, and Mercy out of Flicker Wisps, she is running out of options. Exude Confidence forces Grzegorz’s hand, which is promptly pumped up to 10! The second Arc Lightning comes into play and once again it is neatly blocked by Grzegorz. It’s an uphill battle for Mercy but she relentlessly charges on, step by step, grinding Grzegorz down to 12. At last, he throws something back: Command and Conquer. Faced with no other choice, Mercy has to begrudgingly give up her arsenal - the second Poison the Well, her answer to the increasing life gain problem she faces.

Again and again Mercy ferociously comes at Grzegorz, while Count Your Blessings #7, and #8 keep him stable. He’s at 20 life now, and Mercy is running out of juice. Knowing her pitch stacked final Arc Lightning will be in her next hand, she elects to patiently play a more modest turn in order to set up one final push. If she can pull it off before Grzegorz sees the final Count Your Blessings, she may just have a tiny shot at winning it all. But the final Count Your Blessings scatters this hope to the winds, healing Grzegorz all the way back up to 29. Mercy gives it a final push, Arc Lightning into Flittering Charge into Lightning Surge into Star Fall into Snatch into Gone in a Flash. A beautifully set up power turn by Mercy, but unfortunately just a little too late.

Grzegorz’s transcend cards begin coming back around, and he starts the slow process of making Spectral Shields to whittle away the remainder of Mercy’s deck. Each hand she draws is a little less violent, and each Spectral Shield brings Poland closer and closer to victory. Flittering Charge into Star Fall into Current Funnel into Second Strike marks Mercy’s last 4-card hand. Grasp of the Arknight into Heaven’s Claws is easily covered. Grasp of the Arknight into Current Funnel into Star Fall is the last play Mercy makes. It is here, on turn 40, after a grueling 70+ minutes, with only one card in hand, that Mercy graciously concedes. She would be well within her rights to ask Grzegorz to play it out, but she’s one hell of a good sport and accepts the inevitable defeat. Poland erupts into a roar as Grzegorz finally finishes counting his blessings.

Sunday - Team Cup
Four days of nothing but back-to-back games, starting with Team Living Legend, followed by points awarded for each player's World Championship results, then wrapping up in a final Team Living Legend showdown. The Team Cup and its $60,000 prize pool came down to Team Romania vs Team Malaysia.
Team Romania
- Suciu Andrei - Aurora, Shooting Star
- Andrei Joghiu - Prism, Sculptor of Arc Light
- Bogdan-Andrei Oros - Briar, Warden of Thorns
Team Malaysia
- Colin Tang - Lexi, Livewire
- Keith Yong - Bravo, Star of the Show
- Ji Timm Lee - Briar, Warden of Thorns

After a hard-fought battle, Team Romania prevailed! Congratulations to Suciu, Andrei, and Bogdan-Andrei for persevering throughout the weekend and taking home the first ever Team Cup to Romania!

Sunday - Cosplay Contest
While the Top 8 battle for the ultimate title, let's Trip the Light Fantastic over to the main stage.

From Ninjas, to hats, to even heads in jars, the creativity and ingenuity of our cosplay community continues to amaze and astound!

This year the cosplay contest was updated to include four separate awards: Craftmanship, Accuracy, and Performance, with the fourth being awarded to a rookie cosplayer who has not won before.

Rosetta was a popular inspiration for many, with the Elemental themes embodied both in costume and in spirit.

Getting into your character's shoes figuratively and literally is a huge part of the Cosplay Contest. Even a simple common equipment tells a story.

One particularly spectacular performance saw the mysterious Arakni, Huntsman slink onto stage, a Codex of Frailty in hand. When the pages flipped open...

Congratulations to the following winners:
- Craftmanship: Juwern Teoh - Verdance, Thorn of the Rose
- Accuracy: Moonlight - Arakni, Huntsman
- Performance: Ivan Teo - Zen, Tamer of Purpose
- Rookie Award: Mao Shirota - Ira, Crimson Haze
Thank you to all of our cosplayers who participated, your creations were phenomenal! The full gallery will be featured at a later date.

Saturday - Meet the Top 8
Grzegorz Kowalski, Poland

Classic Constructed: Enigma, Ledger of Ancestry
Draft 1: Aurora
Draft 2: Florian
Record: 11-4
Local Game Store: Mag Planszowy
Favourite Card:
"I started playing in 2021. I feel very lucky. Shout out to Dizk Dzik!"
Allen Lau, Hong Kong

Classic Constructed: Dash I/O
Draft 1: Aurora
Draft 2: Aurora
Record: 12-3
Local Game Store: Home-Run, Mox Saga
Favourite Card:
"I started playing in 2020. The job's not finished! I really want to take the trophy back for my team and my region. Shout out to my teammates. Without them I wouldn't be here."
Valentin Mackl, Austria

Classic Constructed: Enigma, Ledger of Ancestry
Draft 1: Aurora
Draft 2: Aurora
Record: 12-3
Local Game Store: Three for One Trading, DC Trading, SpielRaum Wien
Favourite Card:
"I started playing in 2021. I'm feeling tired and happy. Shout out to FCL, Francis Loghin, Long Dao, Rafaelo Sarmiento, Team VV, and the Vienna community."
Noah Beygelman, United States

Classic Constructed: Viserai, Rune Blood
Draft 1: Florian
Draft 2: Florian
Record: 12-3
Local Game Store: Webway Games
Favourite Card:
"I started playing in 2022. I'm very satisfied having finally broken the Top 16 bubble and being able to showcase my version of the deck on the highest stage. I'm hopeful to continue my run deeper tomorrow, but still content with the result and looking forward to future Top 8's!"
Mercy Bickell, United States

Classic Constructed: Aurora, Shooting Star
Draft 1: Florian
Draft 2: Florian
Record: 13-2
Local Game Store: Heart of Gold Games
Favourite Card:
"I started playing in 2022. I'm in complete disbelief. This is my first Top 8 at any Tier 3+ event. I had high hopes and low expectations for myself, so when I kept winning I was waiting for the other shoe to drop. But let it be known that you should always believe in yourself! Shout out to my partner Brian Lorenz, Elly Bird, my team Ascent, our sponsor MinMax Games, and the Rainbow x Pitch League (Kiki, Elaine, and Melody) for giving me the confidence to make it here."
Rob Catton, United Kingdom

Classic Constructed: Aurora, Shooting Star
Draft 1: Verdance
Draft 2: Verdance
Record: 13-2
Local Game Store: EH Gaming
Favourite Card:
"I started playing in 2021. I am thankful for good pairings, good luck, and good preparation. Shout out to Liam Holden and my wife Leila!"
Michael Hamilton, United States

Classic Constructed: Nuu, Alluring Desire
Draft 1: Oscilio
Draft 2: Florian
Record: 12-2-1
Local Game Store: Valkyrie's Vault
Favourite Card:
"I started playing in 2021. I'm feeling DEDICATED. Shout out to the Wolfpack and my loved ones back home."
Sam Sutherland, Australia

Classic Constructed: Dash I/O
Draft 1: Florian
Draft 2: Aurora
Record: 12-3
Local Game Store: Cardtastic
Favourite Card:
"I started playing in 2021. I honestly have no idea how I'm feeling. The past four Tier 4 events I've been SO close to Top 8, and just finished one win short. I could feel my "curse" kicking in after I 4-0'd Classic Constructed, then lost Round 5 (the BONUS ROUND). So glad I could finally make it to this point, and to get High Octane banned!"*
*Editor's Note: High Octane has not been banned (yet). But Sam did make enough action points in Round 15 to move a small planet.
Saturday - Dumpster Dive
Can you smell what the Commoner tables are cooking? Welcome to a special minisode of Dumpster Dive, where we take a look at the Commoner Gold Foil that went down at Osaka. I played Ira, Crimson Haze, arriving at the finals after going 7-1. With my opponent Paweł Sosnowski on Iyslander at 1 life and no arsenal, a single blue would have locked victory, but the FAB gods decided today this win would go to Team Poland. Let's dive into the deck!

First up, some context. Ira, Crimson Haze is a powerhouse of the Commoner format, and was the most represented deck in this 42-person event, but Rosetta has also juiced up two other titans - Chane, and Iyslander. Paweł's deck resembles what you'd expect to see Iyslander play in Blitz - the full set of Aether Icevein, and Ice blues to pair with Waning Moon.
The other main component of the deck, used to force tempo, is the big hitters - Wounded Bull, Raging Onslaught, and the recently Common-ified Fyendal's Fighting Spirit. These are fantastic for punishing aggro decks who elect not to defend then have their follow-up turn halted by sudden strange weather phenomena.
Iyslander finds victory into high-protection decks through pitch stacking large bursts of arcane damage, using the arsenal, Waning Moon, and a combination of Snapback and/or Photon Splicing to push beyond the boundaries. The most difficult matchup according to Paweł is the mirror, it can be very mentally taxing.
Congratulations to Paweł for winning his first ever (and well-earned) Gold Foil! The consensus among players was that the Commoner format is kick-ass, so if you're interested in joining the world of budget beatdowns, why not try Paweł's decklist at Battle Hardened: Portland?
Saturday - Metagame Minute: Day 2
We have reached Day 2 and our crowd has been shaved down to 166. Today they compete in the second Rosetta Booster Draft, followed by the final push through Classic Constructed. There are many household names on the board right now, and all of them will fight viciously to take home the Queen of Candlehold's crown...

Aurora, Enigma, Dash, Nuu, and Viserai remain at the front of the race in Day 2, with the Shooting Star edging ahead as we approach the finish line. From 1st Strike to Pro Quest to the World Championship - is Aurora the business? 33 Lightning Runeblades say yes.
Unfortunately we've had to say goodbye to Kano, Uzuri, Verdance, Kassai, Riptide, Boltyn and Vynnset. Our 1-of underdogs now consist of Bravo (piloted 5-0 so far by New Zealand's own Cayle Mccreath, who refuses to ever stop playing this hero), OG Dash, Levia, and Prism.
The Day 2 metagame has remained primarily aggressive, with the largest majority of decks consisting of fast-paced damage burst strategies. The remaining chunk is made up of strong counters to these strategies - disruption heavy heroes who eat Runechants for breakfast.
Dash, Inventor Extraordinaire deserves a special mention, having survived the Living Legend chopping block throughout Pro Quest season. She's generally considered to be a little too slow right now to keep up with Enigma's board state, but one player has managed to ship her to Day 2. If they can get through the next leg of Rosetta Booster Draft, Dash could definitely take a shot at winning the title, which would slingshot her to Living Legend.

Our top three repped heroes converted with an expected rate of roughly a little less than 50%, practically half of Auroras crossed the line which means the decks that teched for her will be rewarded today.
Surprisingly, Enigma was the most repped hero yesterday but had the lowest conversion rate, likely due to players packing whatever hate they can. Some bad matchups you can get away with just playing out and hoping for the best, but when it comes to Enigma - you bring tech.
Dash I/O had a lower starting total than these two on Day 1 but has a higher conversion rate - a properly powerful deck when piloted correctly, but its recent release date may have meant some players weren't comfortable taking her to Worlds with the amount of time they had to learn the deck.
Nuu, Viserai, and Zen had solid numbers not far from Dash I/O but very few have managed to secure a foothold in Day 2. While each of them is strong in their own right, they may have experienced the unfortunate side of variance when it comes to matchups. Of course, bombing draft can also put an end to your run out of nowhere.
Looking at the lower end, Azalea actually has a surprisingly decent conversion, players might have expected lesser numbers and therefore teched less against her. For example, Warmonger's Diplomacy is a massive threat, but the popular Erase Face is pretty much blank into the deadly Ranger.
The highest conversion rates come from fringe heroes with very small starting numbers, so the data doesn't necessarily tell the full story. However, two out of three Oscilio have made Day 2 and depending on how things shape up, he could be the dark horse.
With the second Rosetta Booster Draft underway, many of these faces could instantly drop off the map. If our heroes can survive that, the second gauntlet of Classic Constructed awaits...

Friday - Draft Download
With the first leg of the journey done and dusted our heroes now enter the dangerous world of draft. Rosetta Booster Draft is an unforgiving yet creative format, full of twists and turns, fluctuating life totals, and countless different ways to build and play each of the four heroes. Today we're following the almighty Shing Tsang from Hong Kong as he embarks on his journey through Candlehold.

Shing is one of the best players in the world, having not only made Top 8 at Pro Tour: Amsterdam, but also the finals of last year's World Championship, among many other accolades. The crown awaits for Shing to fell it, but the road ahead is perilous, and he will need all his strength to survive. Let's take a look at Shing's draft picks.
Pack 1 | Pack 2 | Pack 3 |
Well Grounded | Felling of the Crown | Fruits of the Forest (yellow) |
Fruits of the Forest (red) | Autumn’s Touch (yellow) | Arcane Seeds // Life |
Exploding Aether (red) | Cadaverous Tilling (blue) | Blossoming Decay (red) |
Autumn’s Touch (blue) | Cadaverous Tilling (blue) | Autumn’s Touch (yellow) |
Deadwood Dirge (red) | Fertile Ground (blue) | Splintering Deadwood (blue) |
Overflow the Aetherwell (red) | Vantage Point (yellow) | Arcane Cussing (red) |
Fyendal’s Fighting Spirit (yellow) | Sigil of Deadwood | Sigil of Sanctuary |
Aether Twining (blue) | Sigil of Earth | Oath of the Arknight (blue) |
Arcane Cussing (red) | Strength of Four Seasons (yellow) | Strong Yield (yellow) |
Oath of the Arknight (yellow) | Harvest Season (blue) | Fertile Ground (blue) |
Hocus Pocus (blue) | Meat and Greet (yellow) | Oath of the Arknight (yellow) |
Sigil of Deadwood | Hocus Pocus (yellow) | Strong Yield (yellow) |
Sigil of Temporal Manipulation | Arcane Twining (blue) | Sigil of Forethought |
Flash (yellow) | Trip the Light Fantastic (yellow) | Glyph Overlay (yellow) |
Seeing Well Grounded, Shing immediately commits to Team Earth. It's an exceptionally useful piece of equipment, and one that Shing knows the next seat will snap up if he doesn't. Shing spends most of Pack 1 bouncing between Wizard and Runeblade as he waits for a clear signal. On the arrival of Arcane Cussing, he locks in. It's time for some Florian gaming.
Sow the seeds and thou shall reap a bountiful harvest. Shing is immediately rewarded in Pack 2 with an unbelievable Majestic - Felling of the Crown! Shing slam dunks it, and spends most of the rest of his picks fleshing out the deck with the necessary Earth requirements.
In an incredible turn of good fortune, Shing is not only rewarded for committing to Earth, but to Runeblade as well, as he is passed an Arcane Seeds // Life in Pack 3! A second Arcane Cussing to pair with his Deadwood Dirge starts to bring the deck from a standard Earth pile to a Mean Green Runechant Machine.

Shing Tsang arrives at an awesome 7-1 finish on Day 1, with teammate Allen Lau alongside him in the top ranks, but the stakes will grow even higher on Day 2 for Team Blue Pitch.
Meanwhile, at the end of Round 8 we have our one and only undefeated player - Noah Beygelman, from New Hampshire, United States. Noah drafted Florian, and is playing Viserai in Classic Constructed. Can he keep up the momentum to bring glory to the United States? Tune in tomorrow to find out!

Friday - Harvest Season
While the World Championship competitors hack each other to bits in the final throes of Day 1, let's take a look at what Fruits of the Forest are available for Flesh and Blood fans at all levels. Perhaps you're green to FAB and wondering what all the fuss is about? Maybe you've taken your 1st Strike and are hungry for the next step in your journey? Maybe you just think Jarl Vetreiđi looks cool as hell?

Flesh and Blood is designed for people who enjoy getting together and playing great tabletop games. The core mechanics are easy to learn, but hard to master, which means you become stronger with every new game you play. Even though this particular tournament is named the World Championship, it's actually one of the best places you can go to try out Flesh and Blood for the first time.

There are many ways to play Flesh and Blood, each with its own unique features to suit your needs, yet each equally exciting. One of the best for beginners is Sealed Deck. You don't need to bring any of your own cards, just a hunger to play. Tear open booster packs and build a deck with the cards you opened. It's as easy as that! Big tournaments like the World Championship always have Sealed Deck events where anyone can rock up for casual, friendly games.

While Flesh and Blood has the world's best competitive play program, many fans are also just happy delving into the characters, lore, and stunning artworks of Flesh and Blood. We work with a global network of renowned artists to craft cards that are beautiful, breathtaking, and badass! Each Cold Foil tells a story between its signature shimmering frame.

We believe in empowering our community to see the world through playing Flesh and Blood, and if you love the way the game system works but committing to the World Tour is a little out of your reach, the Judge program is a fantastic alternative to get onboard. Learn the ropes, join our rapidly growing team, and don the yellow kimono.

If you're familiar with TCGs, you may remember how it felt embarking on your first overseas trip for a big tournament. Experiencing a new country, hanging out with your mates, meeting all kinds of interesting folk, playing so many goddamned games that you fry your brain, and going home with memories you will cherish forever. Flesh and Blood not only revives that experience, it doubles down on it.

Where do I start? You might ask. Which hero should I play first? Where do I get a playmat? Am I Team Earth or Team Lightning? The answer lies with our warm and welcoming international community, who will guide you through your journey with open arms. Simply find a local game store near you and turn up to an Armory Event.
Stay tuned as our World Championship competitors brave the thorny thickets and volatile thunderstorms of Rosetta Booster Draft!
Friday - Metagame Minute: Day 1
The World Championship has kicked off with 456 players, each looking to master the deadly gauntlet of Classic Constructed for a chance at competing in Rosetta Booster Draft later today.

Enigma and Aurora lead the charge as expected, with the Mystic Illusionist being favoured only slightly. Dash I/O made a decent splash during Pro Quest season, now that players have had some time to grease the wheels her engine is rip-roaring at full speed.
Zen has also rocked up in surprisingly large numbers. Of course he doesn't have the incredible ceiling he once did, but he's still a very clean aggro deck, and Twelve Petal Kāṣāya puts in serious work against Runechants.
Overall the metagame is shaping up to be very fast-paced, with Nuu acting as the bully of the playground. We do have some brave underdogs repping Kassai, Riptide, Boltyn, and Vynnset - will they go all the way?
Quickdraw Questions - Yuki Lee Bender

Who are you repping in Classic Constructed?
I'm playing Dash I/O because I think she's really good into the other aggro decks and it feels like an aggro format with Viserai, Zen, and Aurora running around. I’m hoping to run into those aggro decks - I’m decently okay into fatigue, a bit unfavoured but I have some game into it so I hope I can get there.
What are your best and worst matchups?
My worst are Nuu, followed by Enigma, my best are Viserai, Aurora, and Zen.
Which heroes do you expect to see in Top 8?
2 Enigma, 2 Viserai, 1 Dash I/O, 1 Nuu, 2 Aurora.
Quickdraw Questions - Pudding Tam

Who are you repping in Classic Constructed?
I'm playing Aurora because she's consistent and the class value is good. It's kind of like Fai but awful, so to me I count it as "Lightning Ninja".
What are your best and worst matchups?
I think this deck is quite even against a lot of decks. Good matchups are Brutes, and Enigma is slightly favoured. The worst matchup is Dash I/O because their burst turns come earlier than mine.
Which heroes do you expect to see in Top 8?
2 Dash I/O, 2 Enigma, 1 Viserai, 1 Aurora, 1 Nuu (Shing), and the last one could be any hero.
Quickdraw Questions - Pablo Pintor

Who are you repping in Classic Constructed?
I'm playing Nuu because I wanted to play something that had game into this very aggressive meta we have right now, and I think Enigma has to change her deck to adapt to the meta by playing more powerful blues which works in Nuu’s favour.
What are your best and worst matchups?
My best matchups are Count Your Blessings decks, you can win by fatiguing your opponent, the life gain doesn't matter. My worst matchup is old school Enigma, similar to what I played at Calling: Lyon, she has no good blues for Nuu to play, and it's hard to deal with the auras.
Which heroes do you expect to see in Top 8?
1 Dash I/O, 2 Aurora, 2 Viserai, 2 Enigma, 1 Nuu.
Thursday - Keynote Recap
For those who missed James White’s extra spicy Keynote presentation tonight, here’s all you need to know.

Organised Play
First up, a quick overview of next year’s seasonal play calendar. The second Pro Quest season of 2025 (following Pro Tour: APAC) will take place in October, granting players the chance to qualify for the first Pro Tour of 2026. And good news for players who love Skirmish, in 2025 the casual-play focused program is bumping up from two per year to THREE, with Skirmish Season 13 taking place in November.

After Zen embarked on an unprecedented speedrun to Living Legend status in Blitz last Skirmish, it was clear some housekeeping was in order. The September 4 Banned and Restricted Announcement cleaned up a wide range of offensive cards, but James, Bryan, and the dev team have been cooking day and night to elevate Blitz format to the best level it can possibly be.
This includes a huge change to the Living Legend system specifically in Blitz, effective November 12, doubling the amount of points needed to attain Living Legend status (from 500 to 1000), and doubling every hero’s current point total, except for Zen, who will keep his current total of 505. That’s right, the Mystic Ninja has been given a second chance.
However, this time Zen won’t have access to the tools that made him so overpowered, and James promised there would be further changes in the upcoming November 12 Banned and Restricted Announcement that would ensure Zen’s rerun is fair and fun.
Moving forward, all seasonal play programs (including Classic Constructed) will distribute a fixed number of Living Legend points to ensure that heroes arrive, stay, and leave at a reasonable pace.

Pro Play 2025
Flesh and Blood has the world’s greatest TCG competitive play circuit. To better embody this, we are thrilled to announce… the World Tour!

The World Tour is more than just a rebrand, it’s about recognising commitment to and excellence in Flesh and Blood organised play. The new system will award players with “World Tour Points” based on their final standing at Battle Hardeneds, Callings, National Championships, Pro Tours, and the World Championship. At the end of each World Championship, whoever earned the most points will be crowned the annual “Player of the Year”. This is more than just a title, there’s a $100,000 prize pool up for grabs! Players can begin accruing World Tour Points starting from Battle Hardened: Hiroshima next weekend.

In 2025 we are committing once more to a $1,500,000 prize pool for the World Tour, which includes:
- 1 World Championship
- 2 Pro Tours
- 50 National Championships
- 22 Callings
- 60 Battle Hardeneds
Let’s go over some of the exciting locations for these events taking place between now and Pro Tour: London.
Battle Hardened:
- Hong Kong - January 3-5
- Atlanta - January 3-5
- Toronto - January 10-12
- Portland - February 7-9
- Charlotte - March 7-9
- Prague - January 17-19
- Memphis - January 31 - February 2
- Christchurch - February 7-9
- Kobe - March 14-16
- São Paulo - March (Dates TBC)
Product Releases
Now it’s time for a snapshot of the 2025 product release schedule… including a redhot announcement of the next set, but we’ll get to that in a little bit. Set 16, scheduled for June, will introduce something never seen before in the world of Rathe, as well as an additional Armory Deck released alongside it to help new players join the battle.

Mastery Pack: Guardian, an all-Guardian support set, moves to August. Japanese fans of the class will be thrilled to learn that another Archive Pack will be released in December this year, bringing key Guardian, Elemental, Ice, and Earth reprints to their collections.

Now, let’s begin the hunt…
An oath of loyalty that extends beyond the grave, entangled in a web of deceit where chaos breeds. Are you the hunter... or the hunted?
The Hunted calls players to take up the mantle of two vengeful Dracai - high ranking officers in the loyalist army. With their Emperor slain, they ride out across the fiery plains of Volcor to bring the killers to justice.
If only it were that simple…
Every closed door harbors a menacing secret, skittering through the darkness, darting in and out of view, knives glinting in the dead of night. A web of danger lies in wait for the approaching Draconic forces.

Releasing January 31, 2025, The Hunted features heroes across Ninja, Warrior, and Assassin classes, exceptional Sealed Deck and Booster Draft play with lots and lots of stabbing, and a collection of breathtaking Marvels unlike anything you've ever seen!
That’s all we have for today, folks. Brace yourselves as the Countdown to Chaos begins…

Thursday - Team Cup
This year, our heroes face a unique challenge - the Team Cup. This truly is the best of the best against the cream of the crop, competing first in Team Living Legend, then adding to their country’s scoreboard with each of their individual wins in the World Championship, before the final match on Sunday. $60,000 is on the line, as well as of course, the ultimate bragging rights.

The infamous trio are back at it again - Starvo, Prism, and Chane take up the limelight, powered by both Runeblade, Earth and Lightning, and Expansion Slot cards in Rosetta. Interestingly, despite only just flickering onto the scene, Aurora is a very popular hero as well. Zen and Briar are well-represented but not overbearing, while a few previously popular decks such as Iyslander have somewhat fallen off the map, struggling against the blossoming warmth of Summer's Fall.

Japan faces a bit of a hill to climb, as the player base is generally less familiar with the heroes from times past. But we’ve seen they are quick learners, and they are adapting at lightning speed. Many teams have opted to place aggressive heroes in the center for the highest chance of a quick blowout, in order for their captains to spend the extra time assisting their teammates. Xavier feels right at home on Chane, while Shoma and Haru have learned the ropes of Prism and Viserai.

Pro Tour Top 8-ers, the National Champion, enough top cut placements between them to throw hands with no fear. America has come to the table and you bet they’re packing the ham sandwiches. Brodie blowing out players left and right with Succumb to Temptation, offering Chane free action points and disruption while fulfilling his non-attack action requirements. Evan showing Zen may have taken a hit with the restriction of Bonds of Ancestry, but Stubby Hammerers providing absurd on-demand aggressive power keeps him in play. And if you thought the Everfest carnival was over, just wait until Starvo domes you with Felling of the Crown.

Now we come to what is arguably the scariest team in the room. Not only is this team comprised of Hong Kong’s best, it’s backed by the unstoppable force of Team Blue Pitch. Shing has opted to play Dash I/O for this event, quite a leap from the heroes he typically plays, but Cerebellum Processor (especially when you have two on the field) is just too good to pass up. Pudding has also cooked an absolutely terrifying Briar build, with Ball Lightning, Second Strike, Regrowth // Shock, and more juice from Rosetta. Kelvin is repping Prism, equipped with Calming Gesture to see him through the mirror match.

Many players have rocked up to the Team Cup on heroes you would honestly never expect to see them playing. Pablo Pintor… on Prism??? The Sunflower Samurais are here to cook, and it’s honestly such a delight to watch Max slide over 30 Runechants towards his opponent. Daniel’s already wrapped up his game with Chane, and offers his supporting advice to the team captain. ¡Vamos!

Arthur Trehet reprises that iron stare from his win at Pro Tour: Los Angeles, also repping Dash I/O. The rest of the French brigade are ready for action, with Prism on one side, and Berserk Rhinar on the other. At the end of Living Legend Swiss rounds, our leading team is Team Malaysia, followed closely by Team Croatia and Team Australia. But nothing is set in stone, the rest of the World Championship could tip the scales…
Thursday - Welcome to Worlds
Through thorny thickets and volatile thunderstorms, our brave heroes have travelled from all corners of Rathe. Some have embarked on a quest for gold and glory, others to reunite with long-lost allies and battle foes both old and new. Some sweep the forest floor for fruits of the harvest, building a bountiful and beautiful collection. And even more approach like the curious Meep, wide-eyed and eager to learn what all the fuss is about. We have converged here at Intex Osaka for this special milestone event, within the overarching shelter. But will it shelter our heroes from the arcane storm that is gathering?

This year we brought Flesh and Blood to the motherland of the TCG industry. And it didn't take long for Japan to shred the global stage. This is the home turf of titans such as Shoma Yamamura, Xavier McLean, Haruka Sonoda, Hiroyuki Tansei, Yoshiki Mizutani, Tsuyoshi Kaji, Yuto Suzuki, Terukazu Goshima, and many more. Through this gate lies fierce competition, but also... fierce friendship. This is where bonds are formed that will last lifetimes. This is where we come together in the Flesh and Blood through the common language of great games.

Right now our National Champions and their comrades are battling for their country in the Team Cup. We will have more coverage on this later today, for now, the venue waits patiently. A restful silence hangs over Candlehold as it anticipates thunderous possibilities on the horizon. Chairs neatly lined up as far as the eye can see, tables waiting for memories to be made along their wooden surface.
Welcome to Osaka.