It wasn’t enough.
Years of research, suffering, and sacrifice… and it still wasn’t enough. Chane flung the stack of notes from his desk, showering the dark laboratory with faintly glowing leaves of parchment. He had failed. Again.
Solana still reigned unopposed, blinding the feeble minded with pious nonsense so they would never see the ugly truth. Chane slumped forward, rubbing his aching temples. There had to be another way, it couldn’t all be for nothing. It was unacceptable.
He froze, ears pricking at the sound. The laboratory was as silent as the grave, save for muffled shrieks emanating from some dark corridor elsewhere in the Demonastery. He didn’t dare move a muscle, straining to hear that ominous rasp again.
He whirled around, hoping to catch whatever was breathing down his neck red-clawed. But the room was empty. Chane scowled. He was too intelligent to allow his own mind to play tricks on him. Something wasn’t right.
“...Thhh… gaaate…”
The blood instantly drained from his face. The whisper was silent yet deafening. Harsh yet melodious. Everywhere yet nowhere. In a single moment those two words alone told Chane everything he needed to know. This was the answer. He could feel it in his blackened soul.
“What… what do you need me to do?” He cautiously asked the empty air, digging his fingers deep into the marred wood of the desk until blood spurted from underneath his nails.
“Find… me…”

Debuting in Monarch on May 7th 2021, Chane bound the world of Blitz to his rule, accessing unlimited forbidden power to overcome his opponents. While his devious plans were initially held back by frosty foes, it didn't take long for the iconic Shadow hero to break through the barrier and plunge Rathe into total darkness.
His ability to play several attacks such as Rift Bind from the banished zone coupled with a free source of go again every turn was already monstrously powerful to begin with, but it was the fact that he could pick up decently strong tools like Belittle or Art of War and mutate them into twisted horrors of mass destruction that made him the name still uttered in terrified whispers to this day.
Chane officially reached Living Legend in Blitz on November 24th 2023. Congratulations to all the Disciples of Pain who lead the Demonastery's onslaught. Your names have been scrawled in blood on the Roll of Honor!
Roll of Honor |
Aaron Galvin |
Adam Haill |
Adam Matecki |
Adam Tan |
Adrián Ruiz Yague |
Alex Kuan |
Alexandre Lefebvre |
Anderson Soares |
Andrea Zaffalon |
Andreas Ventzel |
Andrew Goodwin |
Andrew Lorenz |
Andrew Padlesky |
Andy Pham |
Aneil Seetharam |
Arkadiusz "Rasaad" Sioda |
Armando D'Alessandro |
Ashley Briggs |
Austin Mender |
Bartosz Ziemba |
Ben Black |
Bernar Aganchyan |
Betim Begolli |
Bobby Vance |
Brandon Roose |
Brodie Spurlock |
Brooks Mitchell |
Bruno Lapointe |
Bryan Knecht |
Bun Ar |
Caden Stabler |
Carter Barton |
Che-Kai Hsu |
Chenjun Liu |
Chris Ray |
Christopher Shreve |
Chuck Cruz |
Clinton Bolinger |
Colton Jackson |
Corbin Cartwright |
Craig Johnson |
Dan Tripp |
Daniel Correas |
Daniel Cwiertak |
Daniel Dreisziger |
Daniel McKay |
Daniele Frattarelli |
Davin |
Davis Kingsley |
Derek Anderson |
Derek Watring |
Dimitris Melissinos |
Donovan Niiranen |
Drew Peastrel |
Dylan Thompson |
Edward Kim |
Elliot Bicker |
Eros Andreolli |
Ethan Krischke |
Ethan Oechsle |
Ferdinand Mendoza |
Fernando García-Casarrubios |
Filipe Camacho |
Frank Karamaroudis |
Freddie Crespo |
Gage Gilliam |
Gao Zhi-Peng |
Gary White |
Gordon Koh Koh |
Gui Cohen |
Guillermo Pedernal |
Henry Fan |
Henry Robichaux |
Hiroshi Kanaya |
Ho Wei Jie |
Hrvoje Hedžet |
Ian Fraser |
Isaac Fogg |
Jack Hindley |
Jack Seth |
Jack Stoney |
Jaden Urdiales |
Jake McCormack |
James Griffin |
Jamie McCabe |
Jason Thomson-Sheck |
Jayson Devaney |
Jeff Stamm |
Jesse Kennon |
Joe Colon |
John Padavic |
John Powell |
Jordan Cook |
José Murcia |
Joyce Bugnard |
Juan Kin Lim |
Juha Saarnilampi |
Kelvin Ng |
Kevin Brayer |
Kevin Canales |
Khai Dang |
Kieran Carnegie |
Kyle Moss |
Kyle Ramage |
Larry Johnson |
Laurens Overgaauw |
Long Dao |
Lorenzo Cavazzini |
Lori Vanderhulst |
Mateusz Sass |
Matthew Blanchard |
Matthew Duggan |
Michael Feng |
Naib Mobassir |
Nakara Juntavong |
Nathaniel Snyder |
Nica Roth |
Nicholas Koppean |
Nicholas Porter |
Nick Butcher |
Oliver Berry |
Oliver Chen |
Owen Young |
Pathomtarn "Tony" Arsaithamkul |
Patrice Rohee |
Peter Bråss |
Philip Parker |
Philip Van Donselaar |
Porter Jones |
Powerful Dickson |
Quang Duong |
Rain Ööpik |
Raj Parikh |
Ralph Gomeri |
Ralph Schlauri |
Raymond Chow |
Renzo Schietgat |
Rob Catton |
Robert Piper |
Ryan Hulin-Bobart |
Ryan Porter |
Ryan Rinsma |
Ryan Taylor |
Saiful Bahari Hassan |
Sammy Weckx |
Samuele Costantini |
Scott Huffman |
Scott Mackenzie |
Sebastian Bednarski |
Sebastiano Cavallo |
Shea Ashbee |
Shing Tsang |
Shingo Okazaki |
Stephen Leany |
Steve Thompson |
Steven Caraher |
Steven Doan |
Sylvain Poirree |
Tanner Propst |
Thanthawat Chujitngamsuwong |
Theodore Scott |
Tom Ward |
Tommy Garnett |
Travis Wong |
Travis Woodward |
Tsz Lung Wu |
Tyler Cabana |
Valentin Mackl |
Vincent Lim |
William Lapp |
Wilson To |
Yudai Yamagami |
Zdeněk Matura |